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I'm Seán Finley. My greatest joy is that of 3 John 4: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." This truth includes the great truths of Scripture and areas of personal separation, like music. It means a lot to me that you are visiting this site; and I am very happy to know that there are people like you who are interested in music that is free from worldly elements. Please read on and explore the rest of the site!

A Little About Me...

I am a young man who lives in the Republic of Ireland. I accepted Christ as Saviour in 2013; and I have a calling to be a pastor and a strong burden to see churches established in areas of Ireland that have little or no true Gospel exposure yet. I have many interests, including Bible study, history, algebra, music, electricity, computers, and meteorology. I especially enjoy studying the Bible and arranging the good old-fashioned hymns. I believe that there is a great need to revive and preserve the almost-forgotten and less-known hymns of 100-400 years ago. It is my desire that providing good, sound arrangements of traditional music will help people realize that they do not have to abandon the hymns for the hypnotic "bridge" and CCM music. May all who visit this site seek to honour the LORD with their music!

Please note that all music is subject to editing and rearranging. Thank you

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